Just had a thought. Tweets should be extendable.
My approach, what I call Twixt©, consists of two simple methods.
- Threaded: In this approach, a tweet being created (edited) that goes over the limit is subdivided into multiple tweets, and each resulting tweet links to the next so that a consumer of the tweet (human or process) can recreate the intended content.
- Linked: In this method, a tweet that overflows, will be subdivided so that the created tweet points to the rest of the content on an external server.
An advantage with the linked approach is that this same server can create conventional content and then post the linker tweet, like an RSS substitute. That’s tsweet!
Of course, this would require Twitter clients that could support this and the server infrastructure and API for the linking if required (I’m not involved in Twitter minutiae).
I tweeted (s’cuse me), and in the tweet I put a link to a tiddler on a TiddlyWiki page.
Now if I knew how to link to a tweet, I could show you the tweet. Oh well, you get the whole idea.
Editing a TiddlyWiki page gave me this idea. A tiddler is very much a supercharged tweet except it’s locked into a single page, though a highly functional Single-Page Application (SPA) type. “Twixt” was just used in place of betwixt, but I’ll lie and say it stands for “TWeet Interaction eXtension”.
I was just informed on the TiddlyWiki forum about an awesome related use of TiddlyWiki see TwitterTabs.
A real implementation of Twixt would best be a server side service or cloud hosted application.
So what is the big deal? Well, you can still tweet what you had for breakfast, but it should also be easier to topple dictators too.
Further Reading